Wednesday 29 May 2013

The Modern Marketer: Art vs Science?

News portal Social Media Today recently ran an interesting article on how the modern marketer needs to evolve to be successful. The traditional attribute of creativity, it argues, is not enough to harness the ever-evolving area of social media and that now the key to being successful is also being able to find and deliver measurable metrics to prove this success. It’s an interesting concept for the marketing and communications industry to consider. Traditionally and especially before the advent of online social media, it was much more labour-intensive and abstract to measure audience interest in any campaign. But the tools on offer with web analytics now mean that even the most simple of campaigns can be measured to a far more interesting degree. This means that the marketing resource need no longer just be viewed as a cost; results can be demonstrated clearly and measured in much the same way as any other part of the business.

So is the creative side of marketing now redundant? Far from it! In fact I’d argue that actually it’s even more important now. Excellent written content and striking images are crucial to any marketing and communications campaign, especially an online one. Compelling content is vital in attracting interest in what you have to say. A highly creative campaign needn’t necessarily add more cost to the bottom line either. Inventive content should stand well on its own and with the raft of free social networking sites available as vehicles, there is plenty of scope to grab the audience on merit alone. Then of course we can look at the other half of the story, analysing the impact of these activities and showing they have a beneficial effect on your audience.

If you would like to talk about how your marketing and communications can mix creativity and metrics, give us a call on 02380 111977 or visit

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